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Extraordinary music for extraordinary times.

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What is WeR1?

WeR1 hosts exclusive, high-quality DJ sets from the world's top electronic music DJs and producers. It’s a collective of music lovers who create, curate and help each other find the top music for their set, setting and mood. It's a community of people who are supporting and feeding the creative genius in each other. WeR1 is a transparent platform where 70% of your subscription flows transparently to the music you listen to.

WeR1 is for passionate music lovers, music producers, DJs and events. People who are looking to build meaningful connections through music and who want to support the artists behind it. It is for people who want to make a difference in the way creatives are rewarded, knowing that their membership is flowing in the right direction – to the artists they listen to. It is for people who want to be part of something bigger.

WeR1 is a music streaming ecosystem which rewards music based on the listeners real listening behavior. The model reward is based on the premise that everyone pays a membership fee and that 70% of this subscription flows transparently to who the user listens to based on their actual listening time. We call this the listening pathway.

Absolutely. 70% of your subscription flows to all the creators and curators in the listening pathway. 30% flows to build and operate the WeR1 ecosystem, host the content and stream it in high resolution.
When you listen to a set, 50% flows to the set creator and 50% is allocated equally to each track the DJ acknowledged in the creation of the set. When you find new music through a friends playlist, 10% is allocated to the playlist creator and 90%, then accrues to the set and tracks.

The 70% is allocated along the listening pathway as follows:

  • At the end of the monthly cycle, we will allocate your monthly contribution (70%) to each listening segment – playlist, set and tracks . This means that if you listened for 1 hour to 1 set, the full 70% is allocated to the set you listened to. If you listened to many sets for many hours, your contribution is divided by the number of listening hours and allocated proportionally to each listening segment based on your unique listening pathway.
  • If a playlist is included, 10% flows to the playlist and 90% to the set. If not, 100% is allocated to the set.
  • From the money allocated to the set, 50% is accrued to the set creator(s) and 50% is allocated to and shared equally amongst all the tracks that are listed in the set.

Assuming everyone listened through a playlist, the overall earning spread would be as follows:

Creators (70%) :

  • Track rights holders (31.5%)
  • DJs (31.5%)
  • Playlist creators (7%)

WeR1: 30%

The invite code helps us to understand, activate and acknowledge the many micro music communities involved, assisting in cultivating a community of passionate music fans and professionals.

We believe in fairly acknowledging all participants who enable the music experience. Music events and soundstages play a special role in hosting artists, building stages, and creating magical moments in time. By enabling the co-partnering of sets – 20% accruing to soundstage/event, 80% to the DJ – events can also earn through the listening pathway when music is accessed via their playlist.

Contact us

We are available to answer any questions you may have, and appreciate good feedback.
Please feel free to reach out to us:

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